The deadlift is a powerlifting exercise that really shows the strength of a person as it is a compound movement encompassing so many muscles in the body, not only this it is also one of a very few lifts that use a dead weight being lifted from a lying state on the floor.
The deadlift actually utilises all the muscles in the legs, abdomen and lower back with the main emphasis being on the Erector Spinae (lower back), quads, hams and gluteus maximus (bottom).
I have found the deadlift to be a major component to any training schedule as it really does help build strength across a persons whole body. The reason many people seem to neglect the deadlift is because they do not know how to carry out the movement correctly and safely so they tend to stick to lifting movements that only isolate specific muscles.
Watch a deadlift being carried out below
Normally when carrying out deadlifts I do them in sets of 5 and start at 8 reps for the first set then keep adding weight until my final set I normally complete 4 to 5 reps on a higher weight.
When I first started deadlifts I was suprised at how difficult they can be, you have to remember they encompass more muscles than any other weight lifting movement. It is said that deadlifts are the oldest test of strength and dates back to the periods of time before Christ when lifting stones were the main show of strength for many cultures from Britain to India.
Not to be a religious nut, but "christ" should technically be capitalized. Other than that, great post. Starting dead lifts today.
Sorry about that, I have capitalized "Christ" now. Im glad you liked the post and hope you will come back and tell us how your dead lifts are going.
is it a must to add weights after each set? i like to keep it simple and have the same reps in every set. am i "missing out" on something since im not doing this??
Hi Anette,
Thanks for your question.
Its not a must to add weight after each set, it all depends on the type of training your doing.
I am a powerlifter so complete strength training through low reps and heavy weight. I also use the pyramid training technique where I start on higher reps and lower weight and lower my reps as I add heavier weight through my sets.
If you are wanting larger muscles like a bodybuilder then 8 to 12 reps on the same weight (75% of your 1 rep max) is sufficient.
If your wanting to tone up without much muscle gain then an even lighter weight is needed for 15 or more reps.
So in a nut shell your not missing out on anything unless you want to carry out strength training like me where you do add weight on every set.
my trainer makes me do deadlift a complete different way..
he makes me stand near the bar & just lower my upper body to grab the bar (without folding me legs at all) & i don't feel like its the right way of doing especially after seeing it done here..i hope u got the pic of what i'm doing at the moment so plz help me....
is it some other form of doing dead lifT???
Yes its a different form of deadlift that your trainer is getting you doing.
To me it sounds like a variation of the Barbell Straight-back Straight-leg Deadlift which you can see by looking at the link below.
Barbell Straight-back Straight-leg Deadlift
If this is what they are getting you to do then the difference between the common deadlift here and the one you are doing is that you are putting more emphasis on your hamstrings then lower back and bottom (Gluteus Maximus).
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