Well its been three months since I ruptured a disc in my back and I have only managed 4 trips to the gym in just over two weeks. On top of this I have tried running on three occassions, the first was a wash out as I couldnt run, the second I managed around 800 metres before suffering with my back...the last time (today) I managed around one mile (1.5 kilometres) before I was knackered!
Thats right, in three months its amazing how unfit you can become and how quick your gains can be lost. I have found after three months that I have lost my fitness, lost some strength and loads of endurance in my muscles and of course lost some muscle mass (around 5 kg I think).
I am seeing the consultant on Tuesday and am hoping that I can get the all clear to start back in the gym properly and get running properly again. I need to get my strength and fitness up as it is depressing me.
I have a plan in mind on how to get my strength and fitness back, the strength part is easy as Ill just hit the gym on a large scale carrying out pyramid training, its the fitness part that bothers me. I think that Ill start by running three times a week until I can run around 3 to 4 kilometres with ease and will then start Fartlek training.Fartlek training is a way of building speed and stamina and is carried out by mixing your running session up into different speeds and gradients, an example of my version is below.
- Warm up: gentle jog for 5 minutes or so
- Steady to hard run at speed for 1.5 km
- Fast walking or light jog for about 5 minutes
- Sprinting up hill then running down around five time (See pic of my hill)
- Running at a quick pace for 5 minutes
- Fast walking or light jog for about 5 minutes to warm down
I currently weigh in at 95kg, although I have gained a little on the stomach over the past three months from not training and hardly doing any walking because of the ruptured disc in my back.
Fingers crossed for Tuesday!
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