Wednesday, 21 May 2008

The Flat Bench Press

The flat bench press is an exercise that primarily works the pectoral muscles but also works the triceps and rear deltoids as secondary muscles.

The bench press is one of the three elements of powerlifting as well as being one of the favourite exercises for bodybuilders so is probably the most well known of all gym exercises. Although it is well known it still doesn't stop people trying to lift too much weight and carrying out this exercise with bad form.

Barbell Flat Bench Press

By changing the position of the grip when carrying out the flat bench press the emphasis changes to different muscle groups. Having a closer grip with the hands shoulder width apart will put more stress on the triceps while moving the hands further along the bar for a wider grip will concentrate more on the pectoral muscles.

Equipment - Barbell bar, flat bench and weights

Preparation - Lay flat on the bench holding the bar with an overhand grip at a comfortable position on the bar and your arms straight in front of you, away from your body.

Movement - Bring the bar down to your chest then push the bar away back to the starting position with your arms straight.

Reps/Sets 8 to 12 reps for 4 sets

Watch below to see the barbell flat bench press carried out with good form (wide grip).

Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

A Dumbbell flat bench press is a good exercise to carry out if you do not have a partner to spot you as you can drop the dumbbells to the side if you are having difficulty, which you cannot do with the barbell.

The dumbbell flat bench press works the same muscles as the barbell although due to being two seperate weights it also utilises more stabilizer muscles and helps if you have one side stronger than the other.

Equipment - Dumbbells of desired weight

Preparation - Lay flat on the bench holding the dumbbells with an overhand grip and your arms straight in front of you, away from your body.

Movement - Bring the dumbells down to your chest then push the dumbells away back to the starting position with your arms straight.

Reps/Sets 8 to 12 reps for 4 sets

Watch below to see the dumbbell flat bench press carried out with good form.