Sunday, 4 May 2008

FREE Weight Training Plan

I have been busy on Excel the last few days and have created a FREE weight training plan that will change according to your training aims.

This weight training plan will help to mould what you do and increase your weight training to the optimum level of what you need to achieve your goals set...and best of all I am giving it to you for FREE.

Over time you will notice little extras like this being offered up from myself as I believe that if something like this can support and help your training then it is definately worth me putting a few hours work in, after all this is why I created this site.

To get your weight training plan click here

Please come back and make a comment to tell me what you think of the plan and to give others genuine feedback on what you think.


Anonymous said...

Really nice plan, and some brilliant Excel work.

Looking forward to giving this a try. I'll let you know my results.

Mugshot said...

Thanks :) Im glad you like it.

I hope it really helps your training. Please feel free to come back and give us an update on your progress.

BrooklawnBrewer said...

Just started this workout last week after taking your "Strength Test". While I knew I was not strong, I was hoping for better than "Teenage Boy" as I am a few years older than that. Hope to drop 10 lbs., increase my range of motion, and get a lot stronger. I'll let you know how I make out, and thanks for this great starter plan.

Ivana Viani said...

The Excel sheet doesn't work. You can't click on the "Get my exercise program" or whatever it's called because the cell is protected.

Mugshot said...

Hi Tinker Bell, are you using a MAC?

I have opened it and its working for me but the MAC doesnt allow the links to open.

Ive made a version with the worksheet tabs at the bottom so you dont need to click the link, please try and tell me if it works.

MAC Training Plan

Ivana Viani said...

Yes, I was using a Mac and the new Excel for Macs worked. Thanks for the quick response!

Mugshot said...

No problem :) glad to be of help!

I hope you enjoy the training plan.